Wednesday, December 8, 2010

No chocolate? and butter? and fried rice is fried???

    Day 3:  Holy crap I am so dumb when it comes to nutrition. I always prided myself on my ability to read and comprehend what I was reading but this subject is like a foreign language. WTF is a calorie or a carbohydrate? Saturated fat? Good and bad cholesterol? What's a good amount of sodium? What is all the shit I'm reading on the wrapper? Should I consider anything in a wrapper a refined food? What's with vegetable oil, canola oil, or olive oil, and are oils bad?
    I think nutrition and finance should of been taught in high school, cause it's important to know how to eat good and it's important to know how to manage your finances cause that shit is expensive. Like how the hell is a bag of nuts $7 bucks and a hamburger 99 cents? One is a damn 700 pound animal and the other is something that grows out of the ground. Just to eat right you have to commit to it both psychologically and financially, though I will say in going green you do train your stomach to chillax and not be so damn demanding all the time.
     I'm doing pretty good so far, I wanted to eat some butter on top of my rice but I went with some low sodium soy sauce. I was going crazy for a cig around 10 pm but I did not acquiesce. Instead, I ate some dates. Then some cashews. Then some more dates. I bought a bunch of  veggies and fruits and nuts at the grocery store and I must admit it felt pretty cool at the check out counter when I compared myself to the other shoppers.
    My workout routine is so sick. Once you become a gym rat you realize you don't actually want to be at the gym a long time, just a short burst most days. So certain exercises I do everyday, dips, pull ups, push ups, abs and calves, which is like 30 minutes right there. The rest is just a race to exhaustion. I have to keep myself busy, I work a 9-5. That is a lot of time out of my life and if I don't squeeze in the studying and working out I'm just surviving, not thriving. Plus I'm single so there's 95% of the motivation right there, I mean lets be honest right?
    I recall in my last post it sounded like "I didn't care" about eating, but now I think what I meant to say is I didn't care for eating meat. I just don't want to be hungry, whatever medium is used to alleviate that feeling is fine with me, so go green I say. I think it first dawned on me my food intake was going through some radical philosophical changes when I was going out to dinner and was finding little or no interest going through the menu. I was taking advice from the waiters, not because I wanted the best food, but because I had no preference. Since I had no rules on eating, I felt like any ol' item would do, meat, no meat, chicken, fish or shrimp, all the same. Had it all a million times before and didn't see the point in making my brain engage in such a frivolous decision making process all the time. Hmmm c'mon brain lets think, what do you want chicken or shrimp, this is important shit here, tell me what you want. Are you in the mood for chicken (insert random memories of corresponding taste) or shrimp (salivating for sea creatures).
    Which brings me to my next major thought of the week is WTF is up with my brain? One minute it's coming up with a genius idea to better my life and engage in productivity and the next minute it's telling me to eat that crappy bacon cheeseburger with a cigarette, you had a shitty day. How am I suppose to navigate my experiences in this world when my navigational device is giving me wrong directions half the time? I know intellectual design is a common theory about why we are the way we are, and I lean toward believing in it to some degree, but the brain and the human mind and how it all works is mostly a work of mystery.


  1. olive oil = great for you

  2. "Like how the hell is a bag of nuts $7 bucks and a hamburger 99 cents? One is a damn 700 pound animal and the other is something that grows out of the ground. " hahaha!

  3. Wtf is up with your brain!!! Dont over think it, just food man!! Olive oil is really good for you, 1 of the top tens,blueberries,grapes, tomatoes as well. Nuts are expensive, wont be surprised when squirrels start losing their minds.
