Friday, December 10, 2010

Aliens gave us helicopters in ancient Egypt, it's a fact.

   Stare at this picture for the next hour. Perhaps less than an hour if you can see that this tablet contains flying machines. The tablet is from a 3000 year old temple at Abydos, a few hundred miles from Cairo. It's widely circulated among the net and is not a photo shopped hoax. When the tablet was first discovered in the 1800's, nobody could recognize the tablet's odd carvings. 100 years later we can, it's called an "airplane" and clearly somebody in Egypt saw one, or perhaps, flew one.
   See the helicopter there? I mean look at the rotor and the tail blade, uncanny right? My guess is the helicopter was the transport or supply copter to the aliens. Either material or slaves were transported, because that's what I think the carvings underneath are. Judging from the husk of corn and the columns beside it, there was a famine sometime shortly after the flying machines arrived, and this famine can be accounted for in the Old Testament. The story of Passover is how the Jewish slaves escaped from ancient Egypt. So how did a bunch of old slaves outrun the athletic and properly nourished Egyptians? They had helicopters, duh!

   Ok, so if you look on the right side of the tablet, we see more spaceships, One is clearly dropping a bomb, or a care package, or both, aliens are known to be ruthless. Obviously the ship on the top is the alien mother ship, followed by a fighter, then a hover craft. The order is very important here, I think the higher the ship, the higher it flew off the ground. 
   So how did Moses part the Red Sea? Using his metal rod (or the biblical version is a cane), which was also used to move the incredibly heavy stones that built the pyramids.  We have accounts from the Arab explorer, Al-Musadi, that ancient Egyptians used a large metal rod to move the enormous blocks through levitation. If you think a rope and pulley system would have worked for a stone that today would take 26 cranes to lift, you have never been to the gym. When shit is that heavy, you obviously need a magical rod, like the one Al Musadi was talking about. Google Ba'albek, Lebanon and tell me I'm wrong...I'm pretty sure Moses got a hold of one of these magical rods and as they say, the rest is history.


  1. two interesting posts in two days. this blog ain't bad!

  2. once you get into Egypt and flying machines it just gets so crazy. Next is Vimanas, the ancient Hindu spaceships. I'm reading up on it.
